Our Divisions

Test division

Swiss Vacuum Technologies SA is highly specialized in test technologies.

We sell and install a wide range of environmental and generic test chambers. Our company satisfies the needs of companies in the research and production fields.


Product catalog by category

Category Testing Division


Vibration Testing Equipment

Vibration testing is carried out for a variety of reasons: to determine whether a product can withstand the rigors of its intended operating environment, to ensure that the final design will be suitable for shipping, or to eliminate product defects.

Vibration testing is used for aerospace and defense testing, ground transportation, transportation simulation, package testing, altitude simulation and more. Whether the need is for ED shakers, a power amplifier and head expander, or a vibration controller/software requirement, our test division, with a full range of adapted technologies, is always able to meet the most critical requirements.


Product range

Shaker from 9 N to 400 N
Shaker from 1 kN to 70 kN (air-cooled)
Shaker from 50 kN to 500 kN (water-cooled)
Tri-axis electrodynamic Test System
Cooling unit
Power amplifier
Head expander
Slip Table
Options Fixtures
SY-10 Hydraulic Free Fall Shock Machine
SY-11 Free Fall Shock Machine
SY-12 Horizontal Pneumatic Shock Test Machine
SY-13 High Acceleration Shock Tester
SY-14 Shock Response Spectrum Machine (SRS)
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